Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer fun

I forgot to add our random summer fun!

This is at the city pool the girls love going mostly because our friends usually meet us there.

our neighborhood pool party :( sad isn't it...

Bailey cannot get enough of our neighbor Mae!

The girls are a jammin' I'm not sure to what though

This was cute! Jared and I were in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner when Kelsey comes walking in pushing a cart full of groceries, talking, and texting! Where does she learn that behavior?!

I'm not sure when this was taken but they look like they're having fun. (Macy, Bailey, and Jared)

We've also got a couple videos to share...but they wouldn't upload so I'll have to see if Jared can help me figure them out.

Lastly sweet Bailey is falling asleep in all sorts of funny ways
Here I was sitting on the chair cutting out the vinyl for my mom when Bailey climbed on the chair behind me and fell asleep!

This one's cute too, she took my phone to play with and I went in the play room to check on her and found her sound asleep half off the couch with of course the phone still in her hand!

And of course the all too common falling asleep during dinner. I swear we don't eat at 8pm she just get's so tired we love watching her head bob and her eyes slowly close until finely she falls asleep.


  1. Aw, cute girls! We miss being in the same state as you guys. Come back to Utah, ok?
