Saturday, September 12, 2009


Liesl was trying to feed Bailey today and couldn't tell if the bottle was getting to the right place.  Bailey covered her face with her hands.
Then, just like normal, she took a nap.  Dreaming of her grandparents...

Lewis Visit

Some of our visitors really want to make a good impression on Bailey.  They spend hours prepping to hold her.

 Then the special moment finally comes!

Julie and Bailey
Aaron and Bailey

The Beehive- Bailey's Room

When we found out we were having a little girl, Liesl decided to decorate the room with in green and yellow, with bumble bees.  It is still a work in progress.
One of the Liesl's pictured here is 7 months pregnant, and the other is right after Bailey was born. 
7 months pregnant
 2 days after delivery
You can see the window thingies(valences) with the bees on them.  We spend a lot of time in the middle of the night in that chair with Bailey. Bailey sleeps great during the day.  We change her, tickle her, talk to her, turn on her favorite football game, BUT nothing will get her up.  Nighttime is a different story.  She loves to be awake, and be held.  
The dresser was given to us by Jack and Cheryl Fillmore.  We cleaned, sanded, and repainted it.  Here you can also clearly see Bailey's favorite pillow in the corner of her crib.  Bailey's room is now a bright room that seems to capture any amount of light and magnify it.
Hilde and Joan found the changing table, and the shelves came from the Fillmores as well.  The matching plates were from our FANTASTIC neighbors across the street (Lewis').  Liesl found the baskets and sewed in the lining and border to match.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bailey Hope Comes Home

Bailey has enjoyed being home. She is a happy little girl that only fusses when she is hungry (like daddy). Bailey has already taken to football and tries to sneak peaks of any game her dad puts on the TV. Her first arm movements, according to daddy, were two hands straight up signaling a touchdown. Bailey was 7lbs 2oz when born. Joan, Emery, and Hilde came all the way down from Oconomowoc to help Mom, Dad, and Bailey get used to their new family arrangements. Bailey has loved being held by them all. She enjoyed going to church this Sunday, and became quite when ever the congregation sang the hymns. She is already a music fan. In the hospital Bailey was soothed by the french hymns, and Christmas songs. Unfortunately, Daddy didn't know too many little french nursery rhymes.