Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crawling and Eating

It seems like just yesterday Bailey was born, and now she's scooting around the house like it's nothing!
I'm going to give Grammy Gilman all the credit for this one. She was working a ton with Bailey to get her to crawl. She's also starting to really enjoy her food! Everytime we feed her now she makes this really funny noise...

New Baby Girl!

We went to have our ultrasound on Tuesday and found out we're having another baby girl!
This is my favorite picture!

I also love this one of her cute little feet!

and here's the proof...

Easter Break

Over Easter, Bailey and I had to leave daddy and go to Wisconsin to help out with Grandma and Grandpa Gilman. We had lot's of fun visiting all of our friends and family.
These two pictures are some of Bailey's "photo shoot" at the Fillmore's at Easter

This was our walk around the lake with the Fillmore's

We had so much fun and look forward to having Daddy with us next time we go!

The Harris'

Our time with the Harris' came and went too quickly, but we had lot's of fun while it lasted!

Grandma and Grandpa Curtis sent Bailey a book for Easter that she loved sharing with her cousins

We wish we had more picture to put up, Bailey playing with Uncle Jay at the Children's Museum... , but we couldn't find the cord to Aunt Julie's camera to get the pictures off : ( Maybe sometime soon we'll get them! Thanks for coming to visit!!!!!