Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It was pretty hard to get her to keep her mouth open long enough to get the camera to take a picture
She eventually was getting pretty mad at me but at least you can see the bottom teeth!
And here are the top ones...

Kelsey's Blessing Weekend

Over this past weekend we had Kelsey's blessing...sadly we weren't good about taking pictures... but we did take some!
Grandma Curtis and Aunt Julie made head costumes for the nativity...luckily Bailey got to model some of them for us!
All the kids had a lot of fun playing with eachother

Sweet little Kelsey was loved by many
Bailey had lots of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa Shelley too! 

We enjoyed all of our visitors and hopefully soon we'll put Kelsey back in her blessing dress and get some pictures of her. Thanks to all those who came to the blessing and for making our weekend so much fun!