Sunday, January 15, 2012

Visiting the Davidson's

The girls and I got a chance to visit my sister and her family in Idaho this past weekend. We had lot's of fun and Bailey even renamed some of them. Michael is now "Dad", Aurora is "Purple Dress" (she used that one because she calls Rapunzel Purple Dress, and with Aurora's long hair she reminded Bailey of her.), and Ethan and Leif are "Boys"(They're usually hanging out together so it was usually worked out to just say boys.) The Davidson's also got two new dog's over the holiday season and at first Bailey was Okay with them if they weren't touching her, and Kelsey just hated them! But by the end Bailey was crawling on the floor acting like a dog with them, and Kelsey still hated them... we'll try to work on that. Saturday was our adventure day. We went up one of the canyons and went sledding.

Bailey LOVED being with "Daddy"
They're prepping for a race!
Finally some Hot Chocolate(it was pretty warm that day so we didn't need it, but it was fun anyway)
Thanks for letting us come and crash for the weekend! We all wish we could have stayed longer it was really fun to have friends to play with. We also enjoyed getting to know you better.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big Liz's kids have gotten! It seems like yesterday we were changing their diapers... and by we, I mean watching you do it, Liesl! The girls are getting so big but they are absolutely adorable!!
